Raw, yet refined. Harsh, but intuitively sensitive. Elusive, while blatantly obvious. Indie rock duo The Lymbs seem to float somewhere in the in-between space of all of these seemingly contradictory descriptors. Their songs differentiate in texture and form, but stay true to a theme fueled by their classic rock roots and an insatiable dedication to their art.
Prior to recently relocating to the Bay Area music mecca of Oakland, founding members Jeff Bell (drums) and Gage Bickerstaff (Guitar/Vocals/Synth) initiated their musical synergy as big-dreaming, musically precocious students in Albuquerque, NM. Both already classically trained, they quickly became front-runners of the local indie rock scene, applauded and lauded by music aficionados and media critics alike. While ultimately difficult to categorize, their sound could be dubbed progressive, future-forward blues or reflective, rugged rock. While keeping things emotionally primitive, their moody sound is nuanced and complex. The sonic result has been comparable to Radiohead, The Black Keys and Glass Animals, all bands that expertly mix a jagged, emotive guitar rock sound punctuated with thought-provoking lyrics (in this case, delivered with bombast from Gage’s gravel-voiced bluesy bravado).
The Lymbs deliver intense anthems that are rich, soulful and passionate, while embracing modern production and recording technologies and methodologies. Their music infiltrates post-rock ideologies - giving obvious nods to bluesmen and rockers of the late '60s - through a decidedly digital interface. Also paying homage to their 60s forefathers, the band’s signature sound is equally characterized by a pervasive social and political awareness, encouraging and urging the listener to become a force of change, to proselytize love and universal connectedness. Ultimately, The Lymbs strive to question the listener and encourage a spirit of self-awareness that transcends music.
The Lymbs’ third EP, “Neon”, is available now on all online stores and platforms. -Fall 2017